Friday, February 15, 2013

color pencil vs painting

I had this absolutely great commission to do.  A paladin cougar furry in black dragon armor.  Yes!  Here are the inks.
The customer wanted colored pencils, so off to work I went.  Easy, fun - it goes like a breeze when you are really enjoying yourself.
Once done, I looked it over.  Love that armor.  I have a character that would love that armor.  It'd be easy to just add her face on.  Photoshop off the head...  Also, I don't think the boots add much, I can crop the picture....
Dave says, paint it up.  Okay, you talked me into it.
I actually printed the piece out in color to paint on the top of it.  Hey, a lot of the work was done - why re-invent the wheel?  Here's the two side by side.
Cool!  Here are some close ups.
Fascinating!  You can really see the difference in the media.  I am enjoying learning what each kind of art media is best at what.

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