Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Just Saying

It is practically impossible to draw or paint with a runny nose....

just saying

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Being there

In the part of the art industry where I live, there are always new faces.  If you are not there, being seen, having your art laid out to the world as it passes by your table - you might as well be dead.  There is someone waiting in the wings who is better, faster and cheaper than I am.

Like-wise, there are other artists who will appeal to some buyer than others.  I can''t be everything to everyone.  Damn it!  I'm old and the new buyers are just that - younger.  Conversations of music, life experiences and just getting to be friends - are there more people like me in these places?  And, am I too tiered to find them?

Not wanting to turn this into a downer post -
I've gotten better at art.  Being there for years does make me recognizable (a hat with horns does not hurt).  People come looking for me (and I am grateful).

I love meeting new people.  I ask about their own artwork.  I love hearing about their characters and stories.  It's always fun to see if you can interject something of your interpretation onto their ideas.

I tell people: 
The first year you set up at a show, people walk by - looking.  Yes, very nice - but not now.
The second year - people go oh!  There she is again.  Oh how nice.  Her stuff is nice don't you think?
The third year - Oh!  Hi, here we are again.  Is this new?  I do like it.  Let me buy something. 

well - sorry this is a random bag of thoughts.  I guess I'm not over the Crud yet.  I told Sabrina we should design some of those stuff-toy germs and call them con crud.  We'd make a million.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Con Crud

Well, I think it's Airplane crud.  I was fine all during the con.  Sitting on a warm beach certainly wouldn't have given me a cold - so I blame the airplane.  Completely un-proven, but as I sniffle - it's my human nature to blame something.

I've got 2 cons coming up at the end of Feb.
Super pleased to get into the artist alley for Emerald City Comic Con. 

I figure getting the cold now will only boost my immune system for the next two cons.  It's certainly a better idea than getting sick over Furry Fiesta and then having to take those germs to Emerald City. 

Friday, January 25, 2013

It's the future

'They need to re-instate convention art shows!'  Insisted a local artist.  Then, the discussion began; Get a table/I don't have the time.  Go to shows where there are still art shows/It's too far.  Volunteer to run the art show yourself/I don't have the time.
In other words, this seems to be a howl into the night sky that you just can't make money anymore.

The world has changed. 

My artists friends and I lament that the old days of print sales, print sales, print sales seem to be over.  Sure, we still sell a few - but the days of selling 25 copies of a single image in a single show are gone.
Why?  There are a number of thoughts (and no way to know for sure) - The internet provides a great place to post pictures and there are so many out there that the individual buyer no longer has to have the whole collection.  Our fandom is older now, and there are enough images 'out there' that it's no longer a surprise that they must own.

When given access to a willing artist, why wouldn't I want something of my own stories and characters first?  When you see those art collection books walking around a con - who wouldn't want one with their favorite artists ?

I don't think there will ever be an elimination of prints.  Pictures we have time to work on without convention interruptions or time constraints are better.  Large fancy images is how we wind up attracting and making fans in the first place.
But, these prints are easier to make, easier to afford and I don't need a huge stack of them sitting in a back room.  Instead of making 100 print run copies, I can try 5 and see how it goes.  Rather than stopping at 100 prints in the series, I can continue to make more copies of the image as it continues to be bought.

It's easier of us.
It's easier for the buyer.
It's just a different world.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Further Confusion

Back from Further Confusion in San Jose.  It's hard to leave sunny, warm California (where I spent part of the day on a gorgeous beach) and come back to frozen Michigan.  It was okay - I had a box with a Smaug statue waiting for me.

I was there a day early to try and switch my internal clock to the time change.  I went to see the Winchester House.  So many pretty architecture bits.  Okay, some of them are a bit odd, but pretty - bringing light into the interior and makes my imagination kick in.

The con rocked (do people still say 'rocked'?).
My Gang of girlfriend artists were there, the dealers room is always nice to put us together, and we were all charged to go.

The art show was wonderful to me this year.  I forgot to sign up, but they found room for me anyway.  Yes.  Sales were down - but the show was expertly handled.  Complaining about your hoped income is not the responsibility of the economy or the staff.
I sold about half - the cheap half, but was pleased.  The show even was e-mailing me the totals before I was home!

The dealer's room was great!  So many people to talk to - dealers and friends.
I did 13 on Fri, 7on Sat and 3 on Sunday at the table.  Several were full watercolors, and a few were badges. 
I had a gentleman show up right away for a pic for him and his mate.  You'll remember my mate from Rocky Mountain....  And my mind frantically searches.... Then the cyber detail - Oh Yeah!  I loved him!  Of course, this morning I have other cool ideas for his character.
I had someone ask me to see pencils before I got started on the watercolor.  I never do that, but cell phones make it easier to text a photo.  As long as he's up late.  Late.  He was, he was pleased, and loved the finish.
Fawns!  I got one and was super pleased.  Then, another gentleman came up on Saturday and said he was told to come and get one from me.  Yeay!
Did an otter surfing on a fish, a guy coming on the the worried werewolf, A tribble falling in love, and a bunch more.

Usually, I'm a second day busy girl - not so this trip.  It's nice to be the person that people have to get right away.

Ursula let us draw in the Guest of Honor Suite.  We were there even when she was away on panels and there after she had gone to bed.  Losta good art done by so many people.

More observations on the bizness side of art tomorrow

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Alone in the hotel room blues

Actually, I love just lazin' around with the TV on and my sketchbook out.

I'm in SanJose. I have most of the day tomorrow as well - I am thinking of going to see the Winchester House. It's close, and it would be interesting.

There are times you just have to take advantage of the travel you do.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Found a cool Art Pod Cast

I usually don't bounce around the web.  I tend to play my silly facebook game (Pet Society) and put the computer away - get to work Diana!  But everyonce in a while, the web calls it's siren call.

While I was out and around, I found a nice pod casts done by artists for artists.  In fact, it seems to have many of the IMC people that I know.

Drawn Today - http://drawntoday.blogspot.com
It's got a blog and a pod cast.

I haven't been through all the casts, but I was interested in a few topics right away.  With Sabrina getting toward the end of High School, I am looking at her higher education ideas.  Art School?  University?  Works shops?  There was one that talked continued education.  There are are whole bunch of topics, and of course, the idea of coming together as a community and recognizing people's names and art.  I sometimes think I'm bad at recognition and sometimes I figure there are just so many people in the industry that I love.

Hmmm.  Podcasts.  It would be interesting to do one.  Of course, I also have enough stuff for another You-Tube entry.  But, I do have another con I am off to this week.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Mucha Adventure

I waited till almost the very last minuet to go.  It was the last month of the exhibition.  I had to see it, but carving time out is hard.  Still, I was determined to go. 
She said she'd come with me... I didn't want to disturb her work week.  But okay, she knows the way.  She'd been there at least once or twice before.  I really was grateful for the sleep spot near Chicago and the company.  But, how many times can you see a museum exhibit?


oh my god!


Are you allowed to cry?
I was certain I could not draw in the very first few steps.
I knew I should never pick up a pencil again in the second nook.
I had to go out for my sketchbook by the early day poster display.
I was happy.

There were rough sketches, finished works, ideas, different medias, photo references, and lotsa lotsa things you could get nose to art with!  My head is still buzzing even months later.
Even some of the unfinished work sent me into passionate ideas for paintings. 

The exhibit is gone now - but I was certainly glad I could go.  Hopefully, they could mop up all my drool.
I was glad to be an excuse for my friend to get to see everything - yet again.  I wish I was her.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

When I started this blog, my thought was to talk about art.  I tell people, my life is fairly small; I have art, gaming and family as my main touchstones.  So, I figured Art would be easy to blog about.  Show my work, talk about influences... I made a nice list.

Trouble is, I don't always live and breath art.  Sometimes - I just want to talk about that interesting pod cast on gaming.  Or grouse about traveling.  Or just scream nothing to the world and the injustice of it all.

So, while I've done some interesting art things lately - I have not really blogged about it.  The Mucha Museum trip alone could fill pages and pages...  I've almost finished my latest sketchbook - so I've got lotsa of art I could share.

I'm a blogger.  Kept a regular diary for years.  Did the whole Live Journal thing, daily.  Obviously, what I need is permission to just fart around.

I think Art is like this.  There are times you need to do stupid sketches in preparation for the big art.  Little nuggets of creativity to get the ball rolling - so that something can come of it.

So, I give myself permission to just tell you some days that I am headed to the dentist.  I'll try not to, obviously.  But, like this post - you never know where stuff like this leads to.  I guess this post is about Art after all.  So, in that spirit - I'll also put a sketchbook sketch on the bottom of this as well.